Echo Syndrome

Small Wonders issue 20

When my daughter climbs in the car, there’s three of her. They shouldn’t all fit in the passenger seat, but they overlap each other to save space. Together they reach for the seatbelt, their movements almost in unison but not quite; their asynchrony makes me slightly nauseous, and I swallow hard before putting the car into gear and inching out of the school parking lot.

One of them tells me about the B+ she got on her Calculus test. Another puts in her earbuds and hunches down, nursing some hurt that she’ll never reveal to me. The third opens the mirror on the back of the sun flap, adjusts her lip gloss, and practices her pout before extending her arm to take a selfie. None of them seems more real than the other; all are hazy around the edges, and slightly see-through. At a stop light I take a breath, a question on my lips, but when I turn to look at them, a fourth has emerged. She doesn’t move or talk. She just sits there, staring at me, with disconcertingly unblinking eyes, daring me to speak.

Written on the Subway Walls

The Sunday Morning Transport

When machinery cleaved rock and stone, I was born. When steel scraped against soil, creating open space where there had been only darkness, the earth whispered, Look!

I came into being then: a furrow in the ground. A trench. A pathway opened to the chill blue sky. The earth shifted and sighed around me, and named all that I was seeing, which had not existed in the darkness before my birth. Air, it whispered. And birds, and clouds. And then, soon after, water.

It rushed in: a flooding tumble that filled me like oxygen, like lifeblood. I remember its caress. The boats buoyed on top, weighty and wide. Lake Erie reaching out with distant, icy fingertips; the mighty Genesee shouting greetings as my canal improbably soared through the aqueduct above it, a flying waterway carved from stone. I remember touching both lake and ocean, sweet and salt.


The Stolen Sabbath

The Cosmic Background

The Colonist

Trollbreath, Issue 2

The Stories I Tell Myself (essay)

Apparition Lit Issue 28

The Witch Trap

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet No. 48


When the Moon Wakes

Stupefying Stories, October 3 2023

Little Fish, Big Fish

Flash Fiction Online, August 2023

Where the Wind Blows

Flash Point SF, August 25 2023


Spirits & Ghouls: Short Stories

The Day of the Sea

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, July/August 2023

Beverly's Sonata

Not One of Us, Issue #75 (Free to read/listen at PodCastle)

Reprinted in PodCastle 815


Between the Storms

Worlds of Possibility

A Recipe for Crocodile Tears

The Dread Machine, Issue 2.3

Sturgeon Moon Jam

Fantasy Magazine, Issue 86 (December 2022)

Reprinted in Flash Fiction Online

Spindle House

The Future Fire, 2022.63 (Autumn 2022)

The Weight of It All

Fantasy Magazine, Issue 83 (September 2022)

Between the Lines

Factor Four Magazine, Issue 15 (September 2022)


Wyngraf, August 2022

Lisa's Garden

Kaleidotrope, August 2022

Ninety-Five Percent of the Ocean

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2022

Reprinted in Inner Worlds Issue 5

The Topography of Memory

Fusion Fragment, Issue #10

Opal, Everywhere

Not One of Us, Issue #69


The Cat Lady and the Petitioner

Translunar Travelers Lounge, Issue 3

Reprinted in CatsCast Episode 1


Flash Fiction Online, May 2020

Reprinted in Hidden Realms Short Stories

Reprinted in Small Wonders Issue 14


A Word for What We Have

Apparition Lit, Issue 8


PodCastle Fantasy Fiction Podcast, Episode 585

Reprinted in Fusion Fragment, Issue 4


All the Rest is Silence

Daily Science Fiction

A Promise

Apparition Lit, Issue 1

Reprinted in The Drabblecast 431


Endless Apocalypse Short Stories


The Old Woman on the Subway

Hypertext Magazine